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Triceratops Gulch Project
Glenrock, WY

Blackened Paper

Greenhorn: July 11-14, July 18-21, July 21-25 

Exploration: June 27-30

Enhanced Excavation: July 21-25



Adults + 14-17 year olds,
accompanied by parents

Space is limited to 12 participants per week

Can't make it this year? Join the waitlist for next year's dig!


Participation is subject to availability and is at the full discretion of the dig location. Prices and dates dates subject to change. All Terms + Conditions apply.

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About Triceratops Gulch Project

The Triceratops Gulch Program in Glenrock, Wyoming is a paleontology dig joint program offered through the Morrison Natural History Museum and Glenrock Paleon Museum. For dinosaur lovers and families who want a ringside view of the county where the holotype of the first Triceratops fossil was unearthed, join one of our three types of expeditions!


Starting as far back as the late 19th century, the plentiful dinosaur remains in Wyoming came to the attention of scientists O.C. Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope. This began the “Dinosaur Wars,” as these two rivals battled for supremacy. In the process, they, and others like them helped unearth a treasure trove of Cretaceous dinosaurs and mammals in the fossil-rich Lance Formation.  From the tiniest freshwater snails and salamanders to fully articulated dinosaur skeletons, the Lance Formation seems to have it all. 

Fossils found: Triceratops, Edmontosaurus, Raptors and T. rex.

Period: Upper Cretaceous

Formation: Lance Formation

How you will make an impact on this paleontology dig

You'll contribute to the documentation of sites in the Lance Formation and the collection of specimens that have lain dormant in this area for over 66 million years.

All the digs featured on Ancient Odysseys are non-profits and rely upon visitors and donations to continue their important scientific work. Please consider donating if you would like to support this organization's mission. All donations are tax deductible.


What to Expect while Excavating at the Triceratops Gulch Project

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The Triceratops Gulch Project is operated like an informal paleontology field school, where participants are introduced to project-based paleontological field work that supports current research projects. You’ll be working with museum crews as they explore fossil sites of the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation of Wyoming.and you'll have the chance to maybe make a huge discovery of your own!

There are three programs available this season each of which is 

packed full to take full advantage of time out in the field.

During the course of the program, you’ll learn:

  • How to collect fossils both large and small, from the tiniest dinosaur teeth to the massive bones of a Triceratops—all of which will help to better understand the life of Late Cretaceous Wyoming

  • Basic geological concepts to put fossils into the context of time

  • How to prospect for new fossil sites

  • How to distinguish fossils from rocks

  • Mapping and important field jacketing techniques for the safe recovery of fossils bones

  • About the geology and fauna of the Cretaceous at lectures each day

As a scientific venture, all the fossils you recover will be curated in the permanent collection of the Glenrock Paleon Museum.


The nature of fossil collection and excavation requires participants to be physically independent, with the ability to carry a backpack with a water bottle, and sit, kneel, crouch, and lay on the ground for extended periods of time in hot outdoor conditions. The activity will also include standing and walking for extended periods of time in primitive outdoor conditions. But, the true reality is, you will be unearthing fossils that human eyes have never seen. What a sense of discovery! And for those who are wondering, there is portable outhouse onsite, a true luxury not seen on most digs.

The weather in Eastern Wyoming is very windy and very hot. There is no shade, so it’s important to wear clothing that will protect from the sun and wind. In the event of thunderstorms, we’ll work inside at the Museum’s lab to learn fossil preparation, molding and casting of fossil bones, general anatomy clinics and collections management. These are all topics that paleontologists receive as part of their training.

Click here for more details on what to expect on a paleontology dig. 

1. Greenhorn Programs at the Triceratops Gulch Project | What's Included


1. The 4-day Greenhorn Program  

  • July 11-14, July 18-21--SOLD OUT, or July 21-25, 2024 

  • 4pm start on Thursday / 7:45am-8:30pm on Friday & Saturday / 3pm end on Sunday

If you are looking for a well-rounded paleontology field experience, are a newcomer to paleontology or if you are contemplating a future career in paleontology, the Greenhorn program might just be the perfect fit! The Greenhorn program provides a harmonious blend of museum-based lectures and workshops. Its purpose is to impart essential knowledge and familiarize participants with fieldwork tasks, helping you to uncover areas of interest for future expeditions like the Exploration and Excavation programs.

  • This program includes 21 hours of hands-on fieldwork

  • You will also be invited to lectures covering topics ranging from site-specific information, techniques, useful background knowledge, and the paleontology of the Lance Formation. Newfound knowledge will be applied directly to fieldwork, where you will garner a deeper understanding of field paleontology.

  • This program does not include museum-based activities like the work in collections or work in the labs

  • You can extend the Greenhorn Program until July 25 for an extra $900. See Program 3a below.

2. Exploration Program at Triceratops Gulch Project | What's Included

Triceratops jaw

2. The 4-day Exploration Program

  • June 27-30, 2024

  • 4pm start on Thursday / 7:45am-8:30pm on Friday & Saturday / 3pm end on Sunday

  • The Exploration Program is structured for participants who have previously joined the Triceratops Gulch program. 

  • This program includes 23 hours of hands-on fieldwork as we prospect for new fossil sites, perform initial test excavation at quarries, and save fossils at locations where we've ceased active excavation.

  • This program does not include formal excavation at established quarries and field jacketing or museum-based activities like the work in collections or work in the labs.

This program demands physical strength due to long-distance hiking and navigating challenging terrains, which could be tough for those sensitive to heat.

3. Excavation and Enhanced Program at Triceratops Gulch Project | What's Included

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3. The 4-day Excavation Program 

  • July 21-25, 2024

  • 4pm start on Thursday / 7:45am-8:30pm for remaining days

The Excavation Program is also for participants who have previously joined the Triceratops Gulch program.Each day’s schedule will fluctuate based on excavation priorities, team interactions, and weather events.

  • This program includes 32 hours of hands-on fieldwork and field jacketing and concentrates on progressive test digs at potential sites and long-term excavations at established quarries.

  • This program does not include initial exploration of prospecting or test trenching phases of the fieldwork process or museum-based activities like the work in collections or work in the labs.

  • You can extend the Excavation Program to start July 21 for an extra $900.


3a. The 5-day Enhanced Excavation Program

  • $900-$1,100

  • July 21-25, 2024

  • 4pm start on Sunday / 7:45am-8:30pm for remaining days / 3pm end on Sunday

The Enhanced Program gives you even more time out in the field! The activities are the same as the Excavation Program. 

You can enjoy this program in 2 ways:

  1. Join the Enhanced Excavation Program for 5 days for $1,100. 

  2. Add on these extra 5 days to either the Excavation program or Greenhorn programs for only $900.

What's Included in the Cost + What to Bring

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All training, tools, equipment and transportation to and from the field area is provided each day. Also included for all participants is a cold breakfast, a hearty field lunch, snacks, beverages and optional dinners back in Glenrock. 

Not included in the cost of the program is transportation to Glenrock, Wyoming, accommodations and dinner.


For accommodations, participants must make their own arrangements, and Triceratops Gulch suggests taking advantage of the 10% discounted dig rate at the Higgins Hotel in Glenrock.


Due to the hot and windy weather, you’ll want:

  • Loose-fitting, long pants

  • Long sleeves

  • Broken-in boots 

  • Moisture-wicking socks

  • Broad-brimmed hat with a windstrap

  • Bandanna

  • Gloves

  • Water bottle

  • Sunscreen

  • Quick-drying jacket

  • Small backpack

  • Notebook and writing utensils will help you to document your experience.

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An interview with Matthew T. Mossbrucker | Director & Chief Curator | Morrison Natural History Museum + Visiting Curator | Glenrock Paleon Museum

Matt Mossbrucker dinosaur dig in Wyomong
  1. What makes Triceratops Gulch significant?
    The Lance Formation in Wyoming is rich in fossils. Glenrock Paleon Museum and Morrison Natural History Museum are fortunate to have access to dozens of sites where partial skeletons of Triceratops have been recovered over the past two decades. What was Cretaceous Wyoming like when the giant three-horned dinosaur was thriving? Can we document unknown aspects of this famous dinosaur’s biology? That is what our project aims to understand.

  2. What has been most surprising about your discoveries at this location?​
    Diversity of life is the most surprising find in our field area. When found and studied together, this reveals wonderful insight into the lost world of Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus. My personal favorite site, Bert Quarry, has yielded a diverse assemblage of fossils - including shed infant dinosaur teeth last season. 

  3. What are your current research objectives at your site? 
    This season we are processing multiple sites, new and old and collecting and exploring newly discovered quarries. We are laying the groundwork for identifying various depositional environments and the fossils found at each. The aim to reconstruct the diversity of habitats and the community of life that was present through time.

  4. What was most important or rewarding find at this site?​
    We’re not trophy hunters, we are time travelers. All of the fossils in our field have significance, whether individually or as a community. From humble snails to ancient magnolia and mighty Triceratops, these remains, when woven together, help us to view the tapestry of ancient life at our field area through time. 

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